I'm considering closing shop...
I will make my final decision after Labor Day. This will give me over a month to see what I can design and if I can get things going again. I guess I feel like giving up. I don't sell but maybe to 4-5 people a year (and that's a good year). I put alot of work into the templates and I might just go back to designing stuff for me personally. There's so many great designers out there who I also call friends (and I too love their work) and they are so much better than I am.. and I just can not compete. I've ran two sales the last month or so with no sales. That to me is an indicator I am failing...
I thank the couple of people who have ordered this year. Your sales were very much appreciated. I do want to mention you since you were there. Plus thank those that have ordered in the past- I know without you I wouldn't have made some of my favorite things that I use myself in my own photography business.
I'll still but a freebie up today or tomorrow for those that check- So check back for my weekly freebie. I'm not sure if I will keep that part up either if I decide to close down or if maybe I'll just melt back into the groups I belong too and give to them now and then...
I know part of my failure was this last year.. getting pregnant with my 4th little one really took a tole on my health and I was having a hard time just taking care of my family and myself and didn't have the time to design. Even my photography business took a huge hit during the last year. If it wasn't for my husband stepping up and doing as much as he did we wouldn't even have that anymore. Then the beginning of the year after I kept thinking things would be better once I had the baby things didn't improve right away. My health issues turned into worry and obsession over my daughter who was born with a fractured collar bone and nerve damage in her right arm (caused from a terrible delivery) I spend a good chunk of my time working with her in hopes we could get her recovered and out of therapy. The good news is she's doing so much better..
If you stayed with this all the way to the end I thank you.. I just wanted to explain to anyone that pops by what is going on- went on and what might come to an end... and why.
I'm not giving up ship as just yet. I will try to keep designing... and see what I can do. If I can come up with some things I will post them. If there's any special requests please let me know and I'll see what I can make... any input is more than welcome... even if it's just to tell me I really do stink and it's time to quit.